Resilience of Earth Structures - Collection of Case Studies

This case study compilation tries to give a deeper insight on the topic “Increasing Resilience of Earth Structures to Natural Hazards” assigned to WG1 of PIARC TC 4.3 as part of the 2020-2023 Work Programme.
For the production of this report, relevant case studies related to resilience in earth structures have been requested from all the members of PIARC TC 4.3 and also from non-PIARC experts. The case studies that have been submitted give an idea of what the academic and technical community understand when they are asked about “resilience of earth structures to natural hazards”.
All the case studies have been analyzed, using a common framework, to identify which are the most common hazards that are currently affecting earth structures, what is the most common damage they suffer due to these impacts and which are the most common measures that are applied to repair or to adapt these assets.
As a lesson learned after these analyses, we can highlight that carrying out research on the type and magnitude of the disruptive events, or impacts, that are affecting and causing damage to earth structures is an extremely rich source of information that can be applied in both the design of new resilient assets, and the reinforcement and adaptation of the existing ones, that are now exposed to new and increasing threats.
The topic “Increasing Resilience of Earth Structures to Natural Hazards” is expected to be further developed in future works planned by WG1 of PIARC TC 4.3 during the 2020-2023 working cycle, including coordination with other PIARC Technical Committees.
Information sheet
- Date: 2022
- Author(s): Comité technique / Technical Committee / Comité Técnico 2020-2023 4.3 Terrassements / Earthworks / Obras de tierra
- Domain(s): Road Earthworks
- Type: Collection of Case Studies
- PIARC Ref.: 2022R21EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-707-6
- Number of pages: 110